
The National School Boards Action Center (NSBAC) is a champion for public schools and the nearly 50 million students who attend them. It gives people in every community in the country who support their neighborhood school a voice in our nation’s capital. Dedicated to its vision to strengthen public schools and provide students with the support they need to get a high-quality education, NSBAC educates, organizes, and mobilizes advocates to secure federal policies that advance public education so students can realize their dreams.


NSBAC advocates for America’s public school children to fulfill the promise of every student and advance our nation’s democracy.

Letter From NSBAC President

Greetings, I'm Kathy Gebhardt and on behalf of the Board of Directors for the National School Boards Action Center (NSBAC), I welcome you to the work of NSBAC, a champion for public schools and the nearly 50 million children who attend them.

I have had the distinct pleasure of serving on the Board of Education for the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD), in Boulder, Colorado since 2015, and am currently the President of the Board. I believe deeply in the power of education and consider public schools to be at the heart and center of our local communities. I am proud to be a strong supporter and advocate for public education.

NSBAC provides national grassroots advocacy on issues highly significant to school board members and public education. NSBAC showcases the importance of school boards and their work to create positive learning environments for our country’s public school students. NSBAC also campaigns for federal policies that enhance educational equity, expand access to educational technology, and improve whole-student health and well-being.

NSBAC has successfully helped shape key federal policies including the landmark Every Student Succeeds Act, reinforcing the organization’s commitment to students who need extra support and educational equity. Most recently, NSBAC helped to secure hundreds of billions of dollars for public education that were included in the COVID-19 relief packages over the past 18+ months. NSBAC also conducted several successful grassroots advocacy campaigns to fight for billions of dollars to address the Homework Gap, because more than 15 million children lack access to the internet in their home. We know that investments in education today ensure that students will be prepared to compete in a global economy and learn the skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow.

Please join with NSBAC as we work to support and strengthen America’s public schools. I invite and encourage you to participate in NSBAC’s future grassroots campaigns. Your voice and your advocacy need to be heard in Congress and throughout Washington.

Kathy Gebhardt
President, NSBAC Board of Directors